Legal notice



Name of company

Rich Yeomans Driving School


Registered office

171 Mount Pleasant Road

Castle Gresley



DE11 9JJ


Contact details

Tel: 07973 513678


Fax: 01283 762213


Without Prejudice

All Information in this website is to be used as a guideline only and is subject to change without notice. All information regarding both The Theory & Practical test should be checked with the official DSA's website for verification.


Terms & Conditions:

Pupils must certify that a valid suitable licence is held to drive the tuition vehicle. Pupils must inform me immediately if they receive any endorsements during the tuition period.


Driving tests may only be arranged with prior agreement of both me and the pupil. I reserve the right to withhold the use of my vehicle for any tests booked without my agreement.

I also reserve the right to change the tuition vehicle at anytime without giving prior notice.


Lessons are booked in one hour segments. If for any reason outside my control it is not possible to give the full hours instruction then any lost time will be added to the next lesson.


Cancellation Policy:

A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to be given by the pupil to cancel a lesson. I reserve the right to charge in full for any lessons cancelled withthin 24 hours of the start of the lesson.


Legal Liability

The pupil should be aware that my primary objective is to promote road safety and in doing so may take control of the vehicle. I will make every effort to instruct the pupil to the highest standards but can in no way be held liable for any errors the pupil may make whilst driving and not accompanied by me either before or after the test.


ADI Reg. No.



Regulatory authority

Driving Standards Agency (DSA)



Privacy Policy And Data Protection Notice

If you have any questions about this policy, or would like to see the information I hold on you, then please contact us using the details on the Contact Us page.


Please review this policy from time to time as it may change in the future.


The information I collect, and why I collect it:-

On some parts of our site you may be asked to submit personal information about yourself (e.g. your name and email address) in order to receive information from me. By entering your details in the fields requested, you enable me to provide you with the information you require. Whenever you provide such personal information, we will treat that information in accordance with this policy.


I will never share or sell individual personal information with anyone without your advance permission or unless ordered to by a court of law. Information submitted to us is available only to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to our contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating solely to our communications with you.


Location of the information
The information will be held within the European Union.


Risk Assessment – COVID 19 - Driving Lessons


Prepared by Rich Yeomans Driving School


For: Driver Tuition.


On: 29th June 2020.


Review date: 1st Jan 2021 (completed)

second review 1st August 2021


Potential hazards

People at risk and how?

Actions already in place

Further action required

Action by

Action target date


Me transmitting the virus 

The learner driver and the wider public. Contracting the virus.

Following government guidelines. Keep 1mtr separation distance with mitigating measures ie PPE. Hand sanitiser will be available at all times in the car. Keep a clearing kit in car and wipe down all contacted surfaces before and after each lesson. Whenever possible open windows to improve ventilation. Void touching my face. No shaking hands.

Monitor government and DVSA guidelines to keep up with any changes.


On going


Learner transmitting the virus

Me, my family and the wider public.

Contracting the virus

Immediately before a lesson learner will be asked to wash their hands. Before a learner enters the car, I will offer them hand sanitiser which they must use. They will also be asked…….

  1. Do you have a new continuous cough?
  2. Do you have a temperature?
  3. Have you been asked to self-isolate?

Subject to guidance learners may need to wear PPE. Hand sanitiser will be available at all times in the car. Keep a clearing kit in car and wipe down all contacted surfaces before and after each lesson. Whenever possible open windows to improve ventilation.


Monitor government and DVSA guidelines to keep up with any changes.


On going


Communication becoming muffled due to Face mask

Me, the learner driver and the wider public

Communication could be misheard or muffled by a face mask.

Speak louder, check regularly the learner can clearly hear. Give instruction earlier to allow for repeated instruction.

Monitor government and DVSA guidelines to keep up with any changes.


On going



Document Author:

Richard Yeomans


29th June 2020

E Signature:

R M Yeomans